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Mission 3:16

God’s One-Verse Invitation to Love the World

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“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” —John 3:16

Paul Borthwick unpacks the Bible’s most famous verse to unveil God’s intentional, sacrificial mission for the world. He examines every word in John 3:16 to reveal the underlying motivation for mission, the global scope of God’s call, and how we are invited to enter into partnership with God. This mission statement highlights the centrality of Jesus and the relational nature of the invitation to follow him—for the world to escape perishing and enter eternal life. 

God still loves the world, and we can too. Come join him on this mission of love and discover how he brings the world back to life.

Check it out here.

The Fellowship of the Suffering: How Hardship Shapes Us for Ministry and Mission

“That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings.” Philippians 3:10 (ASV) If we follow Jesus, we will experience pain. It comes with the territory. We might face hardship because of our Christian commitment, or we may have challenges just from living in a fallen world. Either way, Christians follow in the footsteps of our suffering Savior and participate in his suffering. But that’s not the whole story. Missionary Paul Borthwick and pastor Dave Ripper show how transformation through our personal pain enables us to minister faithfully to a hurting world. They candidly share about their own struggles and how they have seen God’s kingdom advance through hardship and suffering. Though we naturally avoid suffering, Christians throughout church history have become powerful witnesses to Christ as a result of their brokenness. Life is painful, but pain need not have dominion over us. Instead, it can propel us in missional solidarity with our suffering world. Come find comfort and renewed purpose in the fellowship of the suffering.

Check it out here!

Great Commission, Great Compassion: Following Jesus and Loving the World

 “Go and do. Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Word and deed go together. One without the other is not enough. We follow Jesus into all the world, and we follow his example in all we do. Mission mobilizer Paul Borthwick shows how proclamation and demonstration of the gospel go hand in hand…” Read more on Amazon

Western Christians and Global Mission: What’s the Role of the North American Church? 

“The 2014 Christianity Today Book Award of Merit Winner (Missions/Global Affairs) 2014 Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year (“Also Recommended,” Global Outreach) The world has changed. A century ago, Christianity was still primarily centered in North America and Europe. By the dawn of the twenty-first century, Christianity had become a truly global faith…” Read more on Amazon

How To Be a World-Class Christian: Becoming Part of God’s Global Kingdom

“How To Be A World-Class Christian opens the window to global Christianity for any person who desires to be part of what God is doing in the world. Building on the foundations of information, prayer, experience and investigation, How To Be A World-Class Christian shows the reader how to expand in understanding Scripture, increase in global praying and intensify crosscultural outreach―beginning right at home…” Read more on Amazon 

Other Books by Paul

Leading the way